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pinnacle societyThe Appalachian Regional Healthcare Foundation invites interested contributors to join us in helping advance healthcare in the High Country. The generous gifts of our donors bring caring and hope into the lives of thousands of families each year in the high country.

Without the financial support of our donors, we could not have built improved facilities, enhanced patient care services, acquired advanced medical technology and retained the excellent caregivers that we have at Cannon Memorial Hospital and Watauga Medical Center. The Appalachian Regional Healthcare Foundation truly understands the invaluable gifts our donors provide, and see it has an honor to recognize them in any and every way possible.

Pinnacle describes those individuals who understand the importance of having access to superior healthcare and who illustrate the true spirit of philanthropy through their leadership gifts.

Members may elect to make their gifts unrestricted, allowing their philanthropic support to be used where the need is greatest. Or, they may designate that their support be restricted for use by a specific Appalachian Regional Healthcare System hospital or program for which they have a special affinity.

As the cumulative gifts of Pinnacles rise above $25,000, other levels of membership are recognized. The Foundation’s highest honor, the Summit recognizes individuals whose cumulative giving has reached $1,000,000 or more.

The Pinnacle Society gratefully acknowledges members who have made a commitment to the Foundation of $25,000 or more, payable over 5 years or less. The Pinnacle Society Recognition Dinner is held annually to welcome new members and to report on the achievements made possible by their generosity.

We appreciate each and every gift and are grateful for the support of all of our donors who give annually, frequently, or make a one-time donation to the Foundation. We look forward to your participation as a partner in the Pinnacle Society.

Giving Levels:

  • Summit: $1,000,000 +
  • Apex: $500,000 – $999,999
  • Peak: $250,000 – $499,999
  • Ridge: $100,000 – $249,999
  • Cliff: $25,000 – $99,999

For more information, call (828) 262-4391.

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